RAuth - Reliable Robust Radix Authentication

RAuth token based authentication system build on top of Java and Redis.

Alt text

The general concept behind a RAuth token-based authentication system is simple. Allow users to enter their username and password in order to obtain a token which allows them to fetch a specific resource - without using their username and password. Once their token has been obtained, the user can offer the token - which offers access to a specific resource for a time period - to the remote site.

RAuth is a java library which provides token-based authentication system for all type of java projects or can run independently to support your existing system.


Generating Authentication Tokens

User u = RAuth.authUser("username", "password");
if(u.getUserStatus().equals(UserStatus.ACTIVATE)) {                         
     * Add Your ACL Code Here ! RAuth future release will have it.
    String rtoken = RAuth.issueJwt(Audience, Payload);          

Authenticating Tokens

What's Next?

Let's make a scalable authentication system together!